Missing campaign - Why does my campaign not update? (USB)

There can be a few reasons why widgets are not displayed in your Ultimate Sales Boost app campaign.

Reason 1: Browser Cache

While on your store page, please manually click your browser’s refresh button.

For reference, the button is:

Reason 2: targeting the same products

When multiple campaigns are targeting the same products, the earlier one will show.

To achieve your goal, you can activate the same widgets on your first campaign.

Reason 3: previewing the app in the Shopify admin

Previewing the USB app in the Shopify admin is not always accurate because of the way Shopify loads an app.

We recommend previewing it on your live website.

Reason 4: Turbo theme

Turbo theme team recommends using the "Sport" model for the app.

You can find the option under theme customize > Theme settings > Performance

Your browser may still have the cache from the previous preview. While on your store page, please manually click your browser’s refresh button.

Sometimes, clearing the cache could be tricky. It is a good idea to ask a friend to take a look from a different computer. Or feel free sending an email to help@hextom.com. We are more than happy to help 😀.


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