How to Target Specific Products in Your Campaign? (USB)

The Ultimate Sales Boost app offers a powerful feature that lets you target each campaign to specific products, customers, or dates.

The Targeting feature is located at the end of each campaign.

The Targeting feature within the app consists of four main components: 'Applies to Products,' 'Applies to Countries,' 'Applies to Customers,' and 'Active Dates.

Applies to Products component enables you to target a campaign to specific products, either by using product tags or through manual selection. 

Through Manual Selection:


Through Product Tag:

Important: Please note that targeting by product tag has a limitation: it does not apply to subsequent batches of products on dynamic collection pages. Shopify provides product tag information only for the initial batch of products. Therefore, we recommend avoiding this targeting method if the products are part of a dynamic collection.

Applies to Countries component allows you to restrict campaign visibility to customers based on their geographical location in the specified countries.

Applies to Customers component allows you to display the campaign exclusively to specific customers, based on customer tags or their lifetime spending in your store. In this scenario displayed below, the campaign will be shown only to customers who have spent $100 or more at your store.


Active Dates component lets you schedule a specific timeframe for when a campaign will be displayed in your store. This feature is ideal for limited-time sales or holiday promotions. For example, the campaign can be set to start at midnight on July 1, 2022, and end at midnight on July 4, 2022.


If you encounter any issues with a product not appearing in your store, please refer to the following articles for assistance:

Missing campaign - Why does my campaign not update? (USB)

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