How to use USB with GemPages? (USB)

The Ultimate Sales Boost app is now compatible with GemPages.

To use a widget on a page built by GemPages:

  1. Install GemPages from the Shopify app store.
  2. Turn on and configure the widget in the USB app.
  3. In the GemPages app, edit the page and insert the corresponding USB model to the page.

Take the countdown timer widget, for example:

  1. Turn on and config the Countdown Timer widget in the USB app.
  2. Access GemPages' Library by hitting the icon Library on the navigation bar of the editor.

  3. Go to the Elements tab and search for Ultimate Sales Boost.

  4. Click on the Element and install the app to the Editor by clicking on the Add Element button.

  5. Drag and drop the USB element from the left sidebar to the Product Element or Product List Element in the  Editor. Be noted that the app only works on Homepages, Collection Pages, and Product Pages.

  6. Drag the USB to a custom position in the preview.
  7. Select the USB, and choose "Countdown Timer".


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