How to configure the BOGO widget •

To get started,

We recommend that you use the Buy X Get Y (BOGO) template in the Ultimate Sales Boost app to get started. 

This template has a few widgets turned on by default, including Product Image Overlay. By default, it is configured to display an image label showing the BOGO message.

Configuring Buy X Get Y Widget

Next, we will configure the Buy X Get Y (BOGO) widget.  Please note that you will need to create your BOGO discount in your Shopify admin.


Message Configuration (Product Page)

First, I will customize my BOGO message. I am offering a 50% off Pants when a customer purchases 2 Black Socks.

The item the customer must buy is Item X and the item they receive free (or at a discount) is Item Y. 

Click on the select link to choose your item Y.  In this example, I have selected Pants.

Message Configuration (Cart Page)

Next, we will configure the progressive messages in the Cart Booster.

Progressive message #1

When 1 Black Socks is added to the cart, the progressive message will let the customer know that if they buy 1 more Winter Sweater, they will receive Pants for 50% off.

Progressive message #2

Displays when a customer adds 2 Black Socks to the cart, and will prompt them to add Pants to the cart and get it for 50% off.

Progressive message #3

Displays after the customer adds the discounted Pants to the cart.


Finally, we need to select item X.  To do this, scroll down to the Targeting option, select Target products based on manual selection, click on the Browse Products button and select your product.  In this case, Black Socks has been selected.

Once everything has been configured, save your campaign and ensure that you have also created the BOGO discount in your Shopify admin.

You can also refer to the video below.

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