How to Check if App Snippet is Enabled

Ultimate Sales Boost's performance in the store and specific targeting features are tied to our app snippet, namely the USB Core Snippet.

Ensuring that this is enabled is important.

There are two ways to confirm if this is enabled:


When using the app for the first time, there will be an Onboarding section in the App's dashboard.

You can click on this specific part, as shown below:

This will open the Shopify Editor for you, and automatically activate the USB Core Snippet.

A notification will also appear at the bottom middle part of the screen, and you can click "Save".


You may have closed the Onboarding Section, and now you are unsure of how to check if the App Snippet is enabled.

Don't worry! Checking it with this method is easy and will only take a few steps.

Here's how:

  1. Open the Online Store from Shopify Admin Homepage.

  2. Once here, click on Customize.

  3. This will open the Shopify Theme Editor.

    What we are looking for can be found by clicking at this part:

  4. Here we can see the current status of the App Snippet.

    It is currently disabled, so what we will do is to first enable this, and click Save.

Keeping the snippet enabled is crucial to ensure that our app's widgets display properly across multiple pages.

If you have any questions or concerns about the App Snippet, please let us know at

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